Boat projects


Spent our first day on Red Rover yesterday. Mostly making a mess and a list. The past owners would have been gobsmacked at the state of their neat, orderly boat. There’s a plan here somewhere. 🤔


Estelle said…
I noticed your fridge and freezer are a huge size. Great for giving you flexibility because it allows you to have fresh then frozen food to cook with and you can travel much longer without having to dock to go grocery shopping. Our fridge in the big trucks was one quarter the size and we had food for 3 days. We always had ice cream or popsicles as that’s awesome to have in very hot temps.
Do you have a dingy? Noticed an arm like thingy that might be used to put a lifeboat or dingy in the water. Do you have built in satellite? Do you have a spare engine that would get you to shore if your main engine broke down? I can tell that you have prepared for this and do have a plan. Go Rick and The!
Thérèse said…
Hi Sis,
Fridge is smaller than it looks but bigger then some….we will make it work. As for the dinghy, check out my latest post, it arrived yesterday.

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