Caught in our first storm 😬

 Left Grand Haven on a beautiful morning heading to Benton Harbour about 7 1/2 hours away. 

Very uneventful first 5 hours but then the clouds started rolling in from the west. We accelerated to try and keep in front of it but it caught us….heavy rain and hail with low visibility. Scary for a little bit so we slowed down and turned on the radar. 

Loopers Tia and Glen on Child of the rising Sun were just off our starboard side. We exchanged photos of each other’s boat…just doesn’t translate.  It moved on after a nail biting hour or so. 

Pulled into Benton Harbour 🌞

Got tied up at the Inn at Harbour Shores. Loopers Bill and Nita on Phase 2 pulled in beside us. We had dinner together and exchanged stories; life and Loop. 

Staying 2 days here. Went for a long walk into a lovely downtown and beach park. 

Name of the town is St Joseph. Lovely Michigan…just lovely. 

We picked up this print of the break wall lighthouse. Tomorrow groceries and boat chores. Heading to Chicago outskirts possibly on Friday. 


Brenda said…
Well done maneuvering that storm and just remember "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor!" :)
SueW said…
Lol, Brenda!
Sounds like the kind of excitement I like, but glad it didn’t last too long. And yes, Therese, looks like another beautiful spot. Sleep well - anxious for what greets you in Chicago.
Brenda McKenzie said…
Wow! Sounds like quite the leg. Glad to see you arrived safe and sound
Unknown said…
Great job maneuvering through the rough waters,looks like you guys are developing your boating skills.
Looking forward to hearing about the Chicago adventures 😎

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