Grand Haven

Great pictures of Red Rover pulling out of Ludington taken by our Lopper friend and neighbor Deirdre. 

We left early as we were planning a full day run. Now these are almost the only pictures of our day as it was very rough out on the lake and it was the last thing on my mind. What was predicted 1 to 2 foot rollers ended up being more like 4 to 5.

Once we were able to come around that first point it really settled down….we were able to enjoy a much smoother ride. 

Deirdre and Alan pulled in a few hours after us on their boat Voyager. We were neighbors in Ludington and we are neighbors once again. 

We leave early in the morning…..good night😴



SueW said…
Great pictures! So nice to be meeting other Loopers. Sorry the day was a bit rough, Therese. ☹️ Hoping for calmer waters tomorrow. 🤞
Brenda McKenzie said…
It’s nice to have friends along your journey. Waves and choppy waters would be a recipe of 🤢 for me!

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