Chesapeake, VA
Left the free wall just in time for the lock opening. We are not going far but we do have one more lock/bridge combination to go through. We followed our looper friends back to the ICW where we all went our separate ways. We are heading to the Atlantic Yacht Basin to see if we can leave the boat for a bottom paint job. The Great Bridge Lock goes up and down by inches only….they are not controlling the water depth but the water flow as salt water flows in and fresh water flows out. This is a busy area so they only open the bridge every 2 hours and they try to coordinate with the lock. We got tied up along this quiet stretch of river This will be home for a while, waiting our turn to get hauled out and have the bottom painted and the running gear sealed. We have decided to rent a car and go visit the kids….take a break, reset health insurance and time in the US. Leaving May 1st and returning May 12th.