Delaware City Marina


Monday, October 8th we head further south on the Hudson.  Rolling hills and beautiful bridges….it’s quite scenic.  It’s a long weekend here so we passed a small sailboat race and a high speed fast boat race. Last of the season for sure as all the marinas we passed were pulling their docks out of the water and closing down for the year.

We anchored just north of NYC with several other boats.  Weather looks good…we all have a similar plan heading south. Met up with our friends Will and Joy….they even braved the weather to dinghy over for a catch-up visit….so nice to see them again.

Beautiful sunrise….Tuesday October 9th.

Following Will and Joy and several other snowbirds.

The NYC skyline never gets old… to hand it to the captain for a great crossing among all the ferries, tour boats, tankers and power boats….thanks to Will and Joy for the great pic of our little tug in front of that famous skyline.

Once through the harbour we all anchored at “Sandy Hook” on the northern tip of New Jersey.

Always a bumpy night here….even a calm evening.

Wednesday, October 10th we have the anchor up at 5am and head out to sea for a 9 hour run to Atlantic City.  Weather conditions were near perfect.

Thursday, October 11th, conditions were spectacular on the ocean…smooth as glass for the 5 hour jump to Cape May on the southern tip on New Jersey.

This little guy flew in for a rest….not sure what he was doing this far off shore.

The entrance to the channel….Cape May is tucked in and offers a pretty sheltered harbour.

Will and Joy pulled into the dock beside us.

We walked into town to reprovision and Ubered back.

Docktails….lots of boaters in port.  Most of these boats left in the morning but experienced very bad conditions crossing Delaware Bay.  We opted to stay put one more day.

Turns out, it was the right choice.  Saturday, October 14th, we left at first light with this spectacular sunrise and got the tide and weather correct for a great traversing of Delaware Bay.

We arrived in Delaware City by early afternoon and we will stay 2 nights….high winds coming up on Sunday and this is a very sheltered spot.

318.4 nautical miles in 7 days and the open Atlantic….glad that is behind us.


Tomorrow we head towards Chesapeake Bay and plan to do some anchoring and relaxing.  A well deserved break from traveling.


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