Great week on the Chesapeake


We left Chester on Tuesday, October 24th, and headed to Dun Cove Anchorage.

Beautiful spot and popular…. That’s Will and Joy just off our port side…they dinghyed over for drinks and brought snacks…..always nice to see them.

They left early the next morning….we stayed an extra night.

On Thursday the 26th we left early and crossed the Chesapeake to anchor in the Solomons.

Great anchorage.

Left early Friday morning…..crabbers are already at it.

Conditions on the Chesapeake could not be better…beautiful out here.  Great weather forecasted for the next few days. We decide to go further than planned and take advantage of the calm waters.

Screenshot of our navigation screen crossing the Maryland/Virginia State line.

Coincidently, we pass Peter on Tortuga on our port side…..last we saw him was in the Keys when he came out to help us with our stuck dinghy.

And….Gettin Nauti on our Starboard….last we saw them was on the Florida panhandle….we are all heading south.

Anchored in Godfrey Bay.

                    Saturday the 28th we move further south.

Look at our navigation screen….all the big green ships are anchored and waiting their turn to enter Norfolk and all the small green boats are pleasure crafts traveling south.

We stopped short of the city and anchored in Poquoson Bay….beautiful day and hot….reached a high of 28 degrees. We had a small boat of locals stop by to welcome us to the area and point out the local restaurants nearby….very nice.

Beautiful moon rising.

Sunday morning….pulled up the anchor at first light.  Dolphins were hunting this morning in the bay.  A pod of them swimming in a line moving past us into the shallows of the bay.

Left at first light…….

Entering the port of Norfolk….huge naval harbour.

Followed by all the tankers and commercial piers.

Downtown Norfolk….

German cruise ship in port.

One lock and we are tied up to a 2 day free wall out of all that marine traffic…..sweating and tired, but we made it.

Our track for the week….so many beautiful anchorages.  We are out of big water now for a while……


Brenda said…
Love how you keep meeting up with fellow loopers you met in earlier travels. I’m sure it’s nice to see familiar faces every once in a while.
As usual, beautiful pictures.
Brenda 😊

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